
Español/ Bio

Bio Arte / 2017 / Español
Lillian Castillo Müller es coreógrafa  y artista interdisciplinaria, originaria de la ciudad de México, 1982. Su trabajo tiene que ver con la interacción entre el cuerpo y su entorno. La improvisación, existir, espacio, sincronía, sentidos y el ser. Estudia la relación de las formas, líneas del cuerpo y su semejanza a las estructuras mentales y de la naturaleza en los actuales medios electrónicos. Aborda temas de la mujer, la sociedad. Actualmente forma parte del Colectivo So(r)oridad Mujeres en el Arte Codirige Menta Movement compañía de artes escénicas y digitales, en donde exploran  la interdisciplina y el performance.
Durante su estancia en  Europa presentó proyectos en unipersonal en el Budapest Contact Improvisation en Hungría y bailó como bailarina residente con Malaika Kusumi Tanz Theater en Alemania. Compañías mexicanas en donde ha bailado:  Foramen M Ballet, Movimiento Perpetuo, 0.618 Danza Butoh, Tierra Independiente, Mitrovica y Festival de Improvisación de Cabaret.  
Inició sus estudios en la escuela de balé de Coyoacán Ana del Castillo, continúa la licenciatura en la Escuela Nacional de Danza Clásica y Contemporánea en la Ciudad de México. Hace una maestría y especialidad de Movement Research en Austria por medio de la beca del Fonca estudios en el extranjero y hace una residencia en Tanz Quartier Viena con apoyo de la beca Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
En paralelo es instructora certificada de Hatha y Ashtanga Yoga. Instructora de Pilates Clásico con dos especialidades en rehabilitación. La psicología somática y  Método Franklin  disciplinas somáticas que mezcla en quehacer docente.

English/ Bio

Lillian Müller is a choreographer and movement artist , originally from Mexico City , 1982. His work is concerned with the interaction between improvisation, memory , life, space , choreography, synchronization , senses, and the everyday chaos . She studies the relationship of shapes, lines as in the body and the mental structures and nature in contemporary electronic media. She is concerned in  issues about women , sexism and society. She has choreographed with internal Social Rehabilitation Center Santa Martha Acatitla . With projects focused on women supported by National Institute for Women and children from low- resource through the Children Talent DIF program. He has danced with Mexican companies as: Foramen M Ballet, Perpetual Motion, 0.618 Butoh Dance , Independent Earth, Mitrovica and is invited as a dancer at Cabaret Improvisation Festival organized by Vicente Silva Sajines Co.

In Europe presented in one-man project in Budapest Hungary Contact Improvisation and danced with Malaika Kusumi Tanz Theater in Germany.
Since she began her studies at the School of Coyoacan balé Ana del Castillo, he continued his degree at the National School of Classical and Contemporary Dance in Mexico City . MS and specialty Movement Research in Austria by Fonca scholarship study abroad scholarship and Dietrich Bonhoeffer ago .

The care, training and rehabilitation of the body from the body awareness to be guided Polestar Pilates instructor , Ashtanga Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga. Maintains an ongoing investigation by the kinesis and philosophy of yoga. She had her education in Polestar Pilates in Miami with a focus on rehabilitation. During his residence in Europe are trained in different disciplines somatic Franklin Method , Feldenkrais, Alexander and Pilates. First dive to the rehabilitation of body and mind through movement.

In 2011 creates MNT MVMNT Mint Movement. Company performing and digital arts , where rules seek to establish themselves exploring the motor , space , generating emotional states. Structure as a result of sensory input , and believe that action should not be a reaction , but a creation . Design ubiquitous atmospheres. Explore the multidisciplinary . They work with words and cognitive relationship. They are interested in the workings of the mind in creative processes . Investigated from the senses through the use of improvisation as a primary tool .

Lillian 's current projects with the creative direction are: A duet as video dance with the theme: Origami as transformation. An object becomes a part from other folds.
Dominating the environment and Patanjali & Freud, part dance / theater / audiovisual comprising the three mental states based on Hindu theories.

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